This fundamental principle ensures all employees, irrespective of their gender, receive equal remuneration for the same or equivalent work.
At Beamans we help uphold this principle as independent experts in equal pay cases, with a number of our consulting team acknowledged as experts in job evaluation, and regularly appointed as party experts in such cases.
We have proven experience in all aspects of equal pay cases, including:
- Conducting an investigation in a manner which maintains the expert’s independence and credibility
- The skills to deal with all the parties involved in the case
- Writing a reasoned report
- Explaining or defending the report under cross-examination by barristers specialising in discrimination and equal pay law.
Why Choose Beamans?
Our consultants are familiar with equal value and other sex discrimination legislation, the reasons for enactment and the underlying philosophy, and have a record of success in cases.
Their knowledge and experience of pay systems and in particular of job evaluation, and an appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to job evaluation, are pivotal to providing objective reports with high face value validity for Tribunals and Courts
Given the sensitive nature of this work, many of our clients prefer to remain confidential. But if you would like further information on the work we undertake in relation to equal pay cases, please contact Michael Bourke on 01923248322 or use the Contact Us button below.
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