JEGS or job evaluation and grading support, is a computer based job evaluation methodology.
First launched in 1992, it was designed and developed for the UK civil service to help departments, agencies and NDPBs evaluate the relative job weight of administrative, technical and professional roles and support the development of bespoke pay and grading frameworks.
JEGS measures and scores the job demands of roles against seven factors:
- Knowledge, skills and experience
- Contacts and communication
- Problem solving
- Decision making
- Autonomy
- Management of resources
- Impact
Our knowledge and experience of JEGS is vast and over the past two decades we have used JEGS in assisting organisations through periods of growth, improvement and change. It might be a merger, new structure design, changing roles, or simply a grade structure that doesn’t fit the needs of the organisation any more. Regardless of the reason, today’s civil service needs well thought through approaches when describing, analysing and evaluating roles – for reward purposes as well as a variety of related organisation and human resource applications.
We know and understand these approaches and can help you select and manage the right approach for your needs.
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Michael Bourke is Beamans' Managing Director and lead expert on Job Evaluation and Reward & Performance Management.